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A full recap and box score will be available at the conclusion of the game at. TWITTER:Follow on Twitter for live updates, photos and highlights. VIDEO STREAM : Watch a live stream online at the Dane Zone.ĪUDIO: The game can be heard in the Capital Region on Fox Sports 980 or anywhere online here. Fireworks sponsored by SEFCU will cap the night. Postgame, Coach Ford will be honored for his storied career at the University at Albany.

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UAlbany's senior players will be honored in a pregame ceremony. Pop Warner players wearing their team's jersey will be admitted for free.

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All servicemen and servicewomen, active or retired, will receive free admission to the Great Danes' final home game of the season versus New Hampshire. GAME PROMOTIONS : MILITARY APPRECIATION DAY/POP WARNER DAY/SENIOR DAY The game will also serve as the final home contest for the squad's 15 seniors, who will be honored in a pregame ceremony. Retiring after this season, Coach Ford will call the shots one last time at home Saturday when the Great Danes host No. – Since the program began in 1970, the University at Albany football team has had one constant, and that is Head Coach Bob Ford. 23 New Hampshire For Senior Day & Coach Ford's Final Home GameĪLBANY, N.Y.

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